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Judge Steps Down After Decades in County Courthouse

Marc Greenberg

Shana Lively, a Hidalgo County Court Reporter who has worked with the judge for her entire time on the bench and who will continue on with Vásquez as his court reporter, said she’ll remember the judge as a boss but mostly as a friend, and confidant. “She’s seen me go through everything in 16 years,” Lively said. “She was always blunt and direct; she cared about people, she just had a different way of showing it. ”Lively said working with Salinas Flores wasn’t her first choice when she came to the courthouse in 1990, but is glad that it worked out the way it did. “She’s been a therapist in a way; whenever I’ve had a personal problem,” Lively said. “Through 16 years you go through lots....MORE

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