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Court Reporter Announces Bid for County Clerk Position

Marc Greenberg

Kiersten Knies announced today she will seek the Dubois County clerk position on the Democrat ticket. Knies has worked as court reporter in the Dubois Circuit Court since 2012 for the Hon. William E. Weikert and the Hon. Nathan A. Verkamp. Prior to working for the county, Knies was employed by Kimball Office as government contract administration specialist. “I understand the importance of maintaining accurate court records, and have vast experience in the applications that allow our county to maintain such,” Knies said. “I have firsthand experience with trial court technology, including the Jury Management System, the Offender Management System, as well as the Protection Order Registry. I have worked with the Indiana Department of Correction in the completion of sentencing documents and abstracts of judgment.”Knies has assisted in the filing of dozens of appeals and.....MORE

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