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TX Court Reporter Shortage Threatens to Delay Hearings

Marc Greenberg

A shortage of court reporters in Texas could spell delays for the more than 3,300 judges and their courtrooms across the state. Court reporters, or stenographers, are in short supply, according to the Texas Court Reporters Association (TCRA). The lack of qualified record-keepers is "very real." Depositions and hearings may have to be delayed or rescheduled. "It delays the justice system when there are not court reporters available," freelance court reporter Lorrie Schnoor said. A 27-year veteran, she and her special steno keyboard have documented thousands of judicial proceedings. The keyboard uses a series of keystrokes to write word by word rather than a traditional keyboard's letter by letter process. "It’s really just listening to the words and then processing in our mind, and then writing it on the machine, and doing it in split seconds," she said with a smile. Schnoor joined the "family business," following her sister into court reporting school in.....MORE

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