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Court Reporter Retiring After 44 Years

Marc Greenberg

During Joan Yemiola’s 44-year career as a court reporter, she has heard it all — and transcribed it in meticulous detail for the official legal record. Yemiola’s last day on the job was April 30 after she packed up her office at the Davidson County Courthouse and said her goodbyes to colleagues in Superior Court Judicial District 22B, serving Davidson and Davie counties, where she spent the last 30 years of her career. “I have thoroughly enjoyed my job,” she said. “It’s been a very exciting career, also. I’ve been involved in many high-profile cases. ”The most recent high-profile case, which is on appeal, was the trial about the death of Jason Corbett, an Irish businessman, which brought international media coverage and lasted about four weeks. Yemiola noted that case involved nearly 3,200 pages of court transcripts. But there have been.....MORE

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