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Two Court Reporters - One Space - Going to Court

Marc Greenberg

The Texas district judges for Parker County, unable to resolve a dispute over employee office space among themselves, took their disagreement to county commissioners court Monday morning. Graham Quisenberry, who presides over the 415th District Court, asked commissioners and Parker County Judge Mark Riley to decide on whether the new court reporter for 43rd District Judge Craig Towson should be forced to yield her currently occupied office to the court reporter for Quisenberry’s court. “The commissioners court is authorized under the state constitution to allot space to each department,” County Attorney John Forrest told commissioners. “She [the longtime court reporter for the 43rd District Court] retired recently and so that office I think, technically, became open,” Quisenberry said. “It is a little larger office. It also has a window in it.”His own court reporter wants the office, Quisenberry said. Towson and Quisenberry talked about the issue but.....MORE

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