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Former Court Reporter Looking out for Birds

Marc Greenberg

A high school volunteer with the former Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary, Begay has been looking out for birds on the causeway - off and on - since 1986. But when she retired 10 years ago from a 25-year career as a court reporter, it became her full-time, unpaid, seven-day-a-week job. It took her nearly two years to convince Dunedin officials to place receptacles for discarded fishing line along the causeway. The receptacles are PVC pipes with curved openings and bottoms that unscrew to empty them. They’ve made a difference, Begay said. Fewer birds are getting tangled. But the problem persists, she said. She thinks pamphlets should be distributed along with fishing licenses that explain the dangers of fishing line and provide....MORE

court reporter

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