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Court Reporter Reflects on 45 Years in the Business

Marc Greenberg

After working as a court reporter in Marion County since 1973, Mary Dunaway finally got to retire in 2006, but in the 12 years since, she has been busier than ever before. Dunaway, a Clarksburg native, said she entered the realm of the courtroom soon after graduating from Victory High School. While working at an attorney’s office (making $150 a month), she got her first taste of the career field she soon would enter. “Every so often, the attorneys would come in with this woman and they would all go back in the conference room,” Dunaway said. “A couple of weeks later, she would come in and bring me a transcript. On top was her bill, and she made more in one day than I made the whole month. I asked one of the attorneys, ‘Who’s that?’ and he said she.....MORE

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